This has been a very rough winter we’ve had here up north. We haven’t had a winter like this since ’94! And these past five years we’ve been getting over easy while other states caught it and bought it. And the southern states, man, us northerners was just laughing at ’em! They freaked out over one inch of snow, one bloody friggin’ inch of snow! I still LMBO over that one! We get a foot of it at the most, an drive straight through it, literally!

But all jokes aside, the year is still fresh, nearing the end of the first quarter, approaching the first third, I’ve been invited to partake in a lot of events. Fashion shows, poetry recitals (even performing on occasion), and this winter pretty much put a damper on a lot of things. Having said all that, the limited time that I had due to this inconvenient and inclement weather, I’ve found myself doing some challenging things i.e. blogging everyday (or trying to, at least), and doing so on my iPhone. I only used my laptop one time on my blog since this year started! I’ve started my third #Project365 on two social networks, Instagram and Pinterest, so that’s been a major challenge, started working on more poems and short stories, got my old JVLIVS domain back on Tumblr, and my official Photography site is also on Tumblr (they’re on two separate accounts), I’ve been living on my own for a year officially, and I love it to death! NO MAN OVER 30 should be living at home in my opinion anyway! But I’ll tackle that one later.

And another thing since this year has begun. I’m learning Ambidexterity. Since I’ve posted that I was originally born a lefty, but was forced to be a right hander. Long story short, being born a twin had something to do with it, I was gonna be the southpaw, and my brother (if he were alive today) was gonna be the righty. But like I said earlier, I’m making up for lost times here. I am ready for this Spring season, come what may!

This year has issued forth some major challenges for me. Most of which time fails me to embellish on whereas others, well, let’s just say that it’s better off not being public knowledge, not at this particular time, anyway.

Make the best out of this Spring season, folks. It ain’t gonna last.
